Patient Participation Group
John Hampden Patient Participation Group - The Patients Voice
Nine patients form a patients group committee. We collect feedback from fellow patients and represent patients’ views to the surgery. We also aim to support the surgery where we can, such as by finding marshals for the flu clinics and producing the document Surgery Service Levels .
We meet roughly four times a year with one of the GPs and the practice manager. A summary of each meeting is placed on the surgery website and also the annual report we write about our activities (see below).
We have also collected the names and email addresses of over 500 patients who we contact very occasionally to ask for feedback. Email us if you’d like to join the list at or to join our committee.
Any patient can email us at the same address at any time if they have a general issue to raise. But complaints about specific incidents must be made using the surgery’s complaints procedures.
You’ll see our regular quarterly column in the surgery newsletter under our logo
Please see link: Surgery Service Levels
Meet The Team

Mike Etkind (chair)
Mike took over as chair in May 2016. He was a civil servant before retiring. He sees the PPG as a way of helping the surgery get feedback from the patients it serves, being a critical friend, and as a way of supporting the surgery.

Alice McMurdo (secretary)

Bob Cox
Bob arrived in Prestwood back in 1982. He is a true “Geordie” born and bred on the north bank of the river Tyne and had a career in sales and marketing in the pharmaceutic industry, specialising in vaccines.

Gita Kadirgamar
Gita is a retired nurse. She registered with JHS back in 1996, followed by her children. She is looking forward to working with all, as so many changes have occurred and will continue to as the management of our NHS undergoes vital and essential reforms.

Jackie Walker
Jackie’s been a patient at the surgery since 1995 and on the patient committee since 2011. She sustained a spinal cord injury at 17 and has been a full time wheelchair user since. She’s worked as peer support for both the Spinal Injuries Assn and the National Spinal Injuries Centre at Stoke Mandeville Hospital.

John Deakin
John is a retired chartered accountant who has lived in Prestwood since 1979, when he joined JHS with his late wife, Margaret. Since retiring he’s obtained an OU degree in History of Science, Technology and Medicine.
Dr Roberts and Laura Russell (practice manager) attend four meetings a year.

Patient Group 2024 Survey
You can see the results of the 2024 survey of patients views carried out by the patients group below.
Patient Group Annual Report 2023-24
Patient Group annual report 2023-24 Report of PPG activities 2023-24.docx
The PPG would welcome comments on the report from fellow patients and any suggestions for activities the PPG should undertake in future.
Patient Group 2023 Survey
You can see the results of the 2023 survey of patient views carried out by the patients group below.
Patient Group Report 2021-23
Report of Patient Group activiities 2021-23 - Report of PPG activities 2021-23.docx
Patient Group 2022 Survey
You can see the results of the 2022 survey of patient views carried out by the patients group below. The survey asked what patients think the surgery does well and what it might improve, and how much patients use the surgery website.
The practice have temporarily removed this form. Please contact the practice for further information.
Patient Practice Group Minutes Archive
Getting Your View
The group would like to contact patients on occasion by email and/or text so that they can obtain the views of the widest group of patients possible. We would like to obtain your email address and mobile phone number to do this. Please complete the Patient Contact Form to provide your consent for this.